Add or Delete an event

To change an existing event, delete it and add it again with the new details.


Save my email address and password on this computer for next time.
Use the email address that you receive nam-vets with. If you have more than one subscribed email address, you can use either. If you have forgotten your password, make a best guess and you will be emailed a new one.

Add or Delete?

Add Delete
If you wish to delete an event, you just need to fill in the dates and the location. You can leave everything else blank.

Regular Events

If your event happens regularly, on which day does it happen?

How often does your event occur?

To prevent the regular events section clogging up, regular events are deleted automatically after six months (180 days). If your regular event continues for more than six months, you will need to resubmit your event at that time.

Calendar Events

Date event starts:
Day: Month: Year:

Date event ends:
Day: Month: Year:
Leave the end date blank if it's one day only.


Town, village or area where the event is being held:


Title, description and information about the event:

Don't forget:
Start time- use am and pm.
Prices- use the £ symbol if you wish.
Telephone number.
Address or directions.


Web page: (optional)

Email address: (optional)