ArchiveThe following sites are archived here: net.goth desk, Whitby Gothic Weekend II - 1st November 1997Click for archive: netgothdesk-whitby1997 At the second Whitby Gothic Weekend (31 Oct - 2 Nov 1997), several people from the uk.people.gothic mailing list arranged a technical helpdesk stall at the Bizarre Bazaar (Saturday 1 Nov). The purpose was to encourage offline goths to come online and strengthen the net.goth community. With broadband, GPRS and WiFi not yet hitting the mainstream, and a temporary ISDN connection too expensive (although it was considered), the solution was to create an offline static repository of some representative websites and a couple of text files. These were loaded onto laptops which had been loaned for the day. Photos of people at the event:
(Click here for the archive itself) James "CountB" Savage, December 2006Click for archive: (250K) James Savage BSc. (Hons), aka Count Bryce or CountB, was the joint author of the Usenet uk.people.gothic FAQ, and well-liked website administrator during the early days of the web. He suffered from Spinal Muscular Atrophy and his stretcher-wheelchair was a familiar sight at goth gigs in the south west of England from the mid 1990s through to the mid 2000s. Sadly he died of breathing complications in December 2006. This archive is his website, (previously ), exactly as it existed in December 2006. Note that the broken images are "as is" at that point in time. - 1998-2008Click for archive: nam-vets Nam-Vets was a mailing list for a group of friends from Cheltenham (Cheltenham-Veterans), who had met through Cheltenham & Gloucester College of Higher Education and through the Heaven & Hell indie / goth / industrial music night at Gas Nightclub. Nam-Vets ran from the 12th of March 1998 until the 5th of June 2008. The website contained a gallery of members, a social diary and some news feeds (screen-scraped using CGI, as RSS hadn't been invented). An archive of all posts is available as a password-protected .zip file (email ). - 2004-2010
Click for archive:
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