Wishlist for Andrew Oakley, Gloucestershire

Blokes. We're so difficult to buy for. I'm not exactly poor, so unless you're close family or a very close friend, just a card will do. If you would like to buy me something, thank-you; here are some hints.

You'll note that many of these items are cheap High Street consumables such as stationery. I simply don't have time to shop for these, so by making the effort to do so yourself, your gift is worth much more than the sticker price. Thank-you.

Consumables which I use a lot of, or which I have recently run out of, which I would appreciate multiples of, are listed in bold.

I collect Doctor Who DVDs, particularly those from the "classic" era (1st-7th Doctors). Here is a list of Doctor Who DVDs that I already own.

Neither I nor my family play board games, and I already own all the roleplaying games I could ever want to play in my lifetime.


  • Delivered instantly by email:

  • Order online, delivered by courier:

    High Street

  • From computer games shops including Currys PC World or GAME:
  • Quick, last-minute, available 24/7
  • From outfitters such as Marks & Spencer or Primark:
  • From chemists such as Boots or Superdrug:
  • From stationers such as WH Smith or Rymans:
  • From grocers and supermarkets:
  • From an off-licence:
  • From electronics or DIY shops such as PC World, B&Q, Screwfix, Homebase or local markets:

    Thanks again.

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